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A30-30-10RT electronic components

Product status: New/used
Shipping place: Xiamen, China
Warranty: 365 days
Structural form: Other (specific form may vary depending on application)
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A30-30-10RT electronic components

Product manual:

A30-30-10RT is a common electronic component, usually a contactor or relay related product, particularly suitable for industrial automation control and electrical equipment.
It is produced by ABB and the specific model A30-30-10RT is mainly used to control the switching operation of electric motors and other electrical loads.
Main features:
Three pole contactor:
A30-30-10RT is a three pole AC contactor designed for switching and controlling three-phase motors, generators, and other industrial electrical loads.
High current processing capability:
This contactor has strong current processing capability and is suitable for high load scenarios to ensure safe and stable operation of the equipment.
Auxiliary contact configuration:
10 indicates that this model of contactor comes with 1 normally open contact (NO) and 0 normally closed contacts (NC), making it convenient for users to flexibly apply in circuit design.
Modular design:
The design is compact and easy to install, usually using DIN rail installation, making it easy to integrate into control cabinets or electrical systems.
Strong durability:
The design meets industrial standards, can withstand significant electrical stress and mechanical impact, and is suitable for long-term use.
Application scenarios:
Electric motor control: widely used for starting, stopping, and reversing control of electric motors to ensure their safe operation.
Heater, pump, fan: suitable for controlling and managing high-power loads, such as industrial heaters, pumps, and fans.
Power distribution system: used for power management and load switching in the power system.

Product details picture:

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